Stats in LBN 2015

All taken from LBN's Statement of Community Involvement consultation document on the Local Plan, Jan/Feb 2015.
In terms of the residential population, whilst this is subject to high levels of churn, Newham is one of the most diverse local authorities in the country. It has the highest concentration of Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) groups, making up over 73% of the population in 2014 – an increase from 61% in 2001 (GLA 2013, Round Ethnic Group Projections). Indian is the largest group with a 14% share, followed by Bangladeshi (13%), Black African (12%) and Pakistani (10%) (GLA 2012, Round Ethnic Group Projections). This is also reflected in language diversity – 51% of residents have a first language other than English, whilst 45% of people have at least a little difficulty in understanding formal written documents and letters written in English. (Newham Household Panel Survey 2013) Newham also has one of the youngest populations in London: 26.6% of Newham residents are aged 18 or under. 63.8% of Newham residents were aged 35 years and under (2011 Census). Newham is the poorest London borough. Although unemployment has fallen faster than the London and national averages (from 13.1% in 2010 to 11% in 2013) it is still higher than the national average (GLA 2014, London Labour Market Indicators). Nearly a quarter of working age residents (23%) have not worked in the last 12 months (NHPS, 2014), although since 2007, Workplace, Newham’s job brokerage service, has helped over 20,300 residents into work. Household incomes in Newham are significantly below the national average. The median income £15,704 compared with a national median of £22,204 (NHPS, 2014). [But compare it with “the average household income is £26,363 pa” source CACI 2013, quoted by LBN on Page 3 of ]
7% of Newham’s population have a long term health problem or disability that limits their ‘day to day activities a lot’, and 6.9% ‘a little’ (2011 Census).
Newham has a high level of internet access (79% of people said members of their household accessed the internet, of which 87% do so through Broadband at home5).