Together Active Praying
Jesus said that all the Commandments can be summed up in loving God and loving our neighbours. Do you think He really meant it?! If we did get to know the people who live right beside us, what might that look like?
Neighbouring is about reaching out; meeting the needs of others; being Good News by engaging with the people around us in friendship and practical ways; crossing a divide.
Who is my neighbour? Primarily the people we live right beside.
Transform Newham Small Grants Fund has supported many other projects working around the art of neighbouring in Newham. For a full list of projects supported in 2013 and 2014, click here
If you are interested in engaging with a particular people group, nationality, or faith group, get in touch and we may be able to link you with others doing similar work.
If you have an idea for a project to reach out to meet a local need and you want to do it with others, consider looking at the small grants page.
Lots of grounded practical experience, stories of successes and failure on the art of neigbouring website
Find various ways of connecting appropriately for you and your church to make a difference into this culture, available on the London Institute for Contempary Christianity website
Further Resources
Evangelical Alliance: Discovering Jesus through Asian eyes
This is a set of resources piloted by the Evangelical Alliance and written by a number of people who work among peoples from South and East Asia, some in East London.
They point out how Life is like a jigsaw puzzle. Christians believe that the purpose of life is peace with God and peace with each other.
Built into it are visuals and questions, framed sympathetically, and it is recognized all the way through that there are issues and often misunderstandings about the Christian faith.
Browse for more, find Jesus through Asian eyes, published by The Good Book Company or look up an 8 week course on the Discovering Jesus website
The course is the first of its kind exploring key questions that people originating in the South Asian and East Asian diaspora have about Jesus Christ and the Christian faith.
Sanjao Rajo of Naujavan – an Asian Christian youth organisation serving 16-30 year olds – said the course "has come at absolutely the right time and is the missing piece of the puzzle which helps to mobilise a generation to reach out to their Asian friends".
Ask a question
If church and the Christian faith seem odd to you but you are curious about life and meaning, if you have questions but do not want to go into a church building or talk to anyone face-to-face, please enter your question here. You do not have to give your name. We will get suitable answers and send only to the e-address you give here. It will not be published on this website.