Together Active Praying
Across this country a new sense of unity is taking hold in the Church. God has been doing a work behind the scenes in villages, towns and cities. This is not manufactured, copied, hyped or simply the latest fashionable thing to do. It is a work of the Spirit because it cuts against human nature and challenges our desire to be independent, selfish and insular.
Church leaders, leaders of Christian agencies and Christian leaders in society are no longer letting differences become barriers but are making friendships, praying and working together for the sake of the places where they live. God is been building together an expression of Jesus’ prayer in John 17: “That they may be one … so that the world may believe.”
From this place of growing unity, people are beginning to lift up their eyes towards a greater vision of prayer and working for the transformation of their town or city; to believe that in two or three decades the place they live in could be substantially improved, culturally, socially and spiritually.
This unity isn’t only being expressed among local church leaders and Christian charities, it also beginning to form across cultural spheres. Christians in business from different locations are beginning to connect and support each other, praying together for greater kingdom strategic alignment. Some Christians in the arts are beginning to form close, prayerful friendships across cities and towns, with a vision to see the cultural context blessed with Shalom, resulting in more beautiful places, events and exhibitions that reflect the Creator. Educationalists who love Christ and seek to be a faithful witness are creating contexts for support, inspiration and strategic action. This coming together of the Church in its widest sense is happening right across all the other spheres, such as the media, sport, civic life, politics, family life and other areas.
Taken from Gather ( which is based in the UK and has been tracking this move of God across the nation. They also link with other networks across all five continents.