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Newham is a Borough with the youngest age structure in the capital (London Poverty Profile 2009), with around 30% of Newham’s population being children and young people aged under 20.  The under 15 population figure is predicted to increase substantially over the next ten years with an average annual increase of 3.3% (Newham Children & Young People’s Needs Assessment 2009/10). Met Police Borough Commander Tony Nash has pointed out that soon Newham will have a majority of its population under 25 years of age.


As the church in Newham we have a huge responsibility, not only to the young people and children in our churches, but also those in our schools and in our communities.

Newham Youth For Christ looks to work with local churches to develop, deliver and support Christian youth work in Newham.


Their main vision is to help young people to discover and deepen their Christian faith whilst also equipping local churches across Newham to develop sustainable, effective youth ministry.


They do this through a number of borough wide youth projects, as well as by working one-on-one with churches to support and develop their youth work.


​If you would like to know more information about Newham YFC, get involved in one of their projects or support them, please email


Find out more about Newham YFC

XLP aims to create positive futures for young people through work in schools, the arts, mentoring and community based projects in order to see:


  • Transformed attitudes and behaviours of young people towards their families, peers and teachers,

  • A raised sense of self-worth, self-esteem and increased educational achievement which helps them confidently and positively contribute to their communities,

  • Encouraged young people who have fresh goals and work hard to achieve them, and who are empowered to make wise lifestyle choices. 

XLP are passionate about developing long term relationships with schools and communities that make a positive difference to the lives of young people. They are committed to connecting with local churches and schools to help meet the needs of young people  in many different ways - not simply doing things for them, but by working with them. 

If you’d like further information about XLP you can go to For more specific enquiries about XLP’s work in Newham  Find out more about XLP

Faith in Schools is an East London charity which supports the teaching of Christianity in Newham’s primary and secondary schools by providing high quality RE lessons, enabling pupils to meet a range of Christians from different cultures and denominations.  They also support churches in putting on events for schools such as the Easter Experience and Christmas Journey.


They run  training programmes throughout the year to train local Christians to deliver RE lessons alongside FIS staff. Faith in Schools is an associate trust with Scripture Union


For more information about how to support them through prayer, volunteering or giving financially to the work they do, please get in touch with

Find out more about Faith in Schools

Eden Plaistow is a team of volunteers committed to a long term vision for community transformation.


Amongst the various things they do in the community they also run activities for young people such as sports projects, music projects, going into schools, mentoring and café sessions. They also do street outreach sessions where they go out into the community and meet the young people where they are to find out what their dreams and aspirations are and what it is they would like to do. Through these relationships they hope to continue to see lives being transformed.


To contact Eden Plaistow, please email

Find out more about Eden Plaistow

Synergy Network

Synergy Network is the coming together of some of the major Christian youth and children's charities in Newham.

The leaders of these organisations meet regularly to work together, pray and support each other.

Find out more about each of the organisations below.

Newham Youth For Christ

Faith In Schools

Eden Plaistow

Kick London

Our mission is to transform young people's lives with God’s love through sport. We are concerned that 85% of young people in the UK never step foot inside a church. This is a problem we want to counter andwe can by working together.

Our part in the solution is to go into Schools and deliver quality sports services laced with goodness and Christian values. We deliver 3 core services:

·         PE National Curriculum

·         Transformational Street Dance

·         Solutions Focused Mentoring.


These sessions can be delivered in lessons, after school clubs, lunchtime provision, one:one and in assemblies. We seek to build relationships with the young people more by working with local churches in the area and equipping them to run additional sports provision at the weekend. 


The Kick Academy provides a church with all the tools and resources to deliver high quality football or dance coaching linked to a theme, which also ties in with a sports ministry slot from the Bible in the middle of the session. For example if the theme that day is ‘focus’ – so they focus on their passing, heading and shooting. Then in the ministry slot the young people are taught about an inspirational story about the theme from the Bible – where Peter focused his eyes on Jesus and got out of the boat to meet Him in faith. This is a seamless switch and one which engages the young people as we share using sport.


Here's a video link of our work with churches through Kick Academies 


In Newham within the last 12 months we have delivered in 5 schools with 2 church based Kick Academies and we plan to grow our work here.

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