Together Active Praying

Regeneration across the Olympic East Village and the wider Newham
Short interviews and snippets from political movers and shakers in 2014, setting out their vision and how they see locals can benefit.
How do you respond to what they say?
Tens of thousands of new homes are coming to Newham along with new businesses and leisure activities and other iconic installations.
No one is planning to develop new church buildings in the ways that we have known them. How do we reach new residents in ways that are relevant and not dependent on traditional building forms?

Key Redevelopment Stories
The ‘Arc of Opportunity’ sweeps from the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park down the River Lea to the Thames, then Eastwards throughout the Royal Docks to Gallions Reach and on into Barking. Below is an update of some of the regenaration stories in the borough

Inspiration at Westfield
Westfield Stratford City was completed first and Believers are penetrating this cathedral to shopping through Inspiration, the Rest & Faith Space; chaplaincy to the shops; and they have begun to reach out into the Casino too.
Find out more about inSpiration, Westfield

QEOP and the East Village E20
Annie McTighe was licensed in mid 2014 as a Pioneer Minister living on site to engage across the whole Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park with chaplaincy, friendship, outreach and to connect Believers across the old divide of the River Lea. If you'd like to now more about Annie's work on the park you can email her by clicking here
The old Abbey site in E15.
This is where the Riverine Centre, Masjid Ilyas operates and seeks to build what some have dubbed the mega mosque. Newham and London-wide plans by secular authorities instead seek a mix of homes, retail, employment and leisure.

Royal Docks E16
Silvertown Quays is another focus for Believers both among the developers and others who are seeking to make this new area good news for local people with significant challenges ahead.
Custom House and Canning Town redevelopments will cost around £3.7 billion! Christians from various denominations ar praying and working to challenge the reduction of social housing which is being replaced by ‘affordable homes’ that are so often not accessible to locals.

Albert Dock, E6
In contrast to other large areas of brownfield development, this area is set aside for a business park for large Chinese and other Asian companies seeking to set up European HQs. The demographics and focus for this area will be quite different which will throw up its own challenges for outreach and engagement.
Transform Newham produced a full report of all the regeneration taking place in Newham as part of their 20/20 conference. This can be seen by clicking here
The Olympic host boroughs of Newham, Tower Hamlets, Waltham Forest, Hackney and Greenwich are cooperating in order to bring up the life chances of residents, in time, to parity with the rest of London. This is called Convergence. You can read more on this by following the links below
London Goverment Convergance Annual Report 2012-13
London Growth Boroughs Website on Convergance