Together Active Praying

Do you volunteer or work in any of these spheres of activity?
Health - physical, mental, psychological; wellbeing, counselling, medicine.
All the sciences (earth, physics, chemistry, biology, weather, space, etc).
Education, at all levels.
Social enterprise.
Charitable sector.
Commerce & consulting.
Banking, money, debt.
Food & farming.
Energy industry (wind, electricity, gas, water, biomass, nuclear, coal).
Waste and recycling industries.
Water industry.
Media (word, visual, digital, social).
Sports and leisure.
Creativity and the arts (music, dance, craft, theatre, writing, etc).
Armed forces.
Civil defence: Police, fire, coast guard, flood.
Central government / civil service depts.
Local government.
Law; courts and legal justice.
Immigration & migration within UK.
Housing and homelessness.
Tourism and places to stay.
Heritage; museums & conservation of the past.
Conservation and stewardship of land, sea, air, plants, and creatures.
The home.
Your family.
Then you qualify! If you are working out what it means to be Christian in any of these - Well done! Please get in touch to swap stories and to see if we can support you in some way.

Where is your ‘front line’?
A six-session DVD resource for small groups to equip Christians to make a difference on their Frontlines.
To view the resourse, please go to http://www.licc.org.uk/resources/2012/04/08/life-on-the-frontline/
A second series is ‘Fruitfulness on the Front line’ is available at http://www.licc.org.uk/splash/index.html

Recommended resources
‘Thank God it’s Monday’ by Mark Greene
‘God at Work: living every day with purpose’ by Ken Costa
‘Anointed for Business’ Ed Silvoso
They all indicate how our whole lives are open to God and we can make a difference where we work.