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Youth Projects

Supported by Transform Newham Small Grants Fund in 2013/14

1st Inspiration

Teaching Christian songs and music in six schools, teachers & parents also invited to join and learn songs



Quarterly gathering for young people to come together across the churches for prayer, praise, safe peer friendships and practical action to serve the community - 

Access Website


Chemistry Club

Aims to tackle pregnancy encourage young people delay sexual activity and make intelligent choices.

Chemistry Club Website


Destiny TV

Training for young people to produce own films.


East London Shakespeare CIC

Aims to improve self-confidence in young people. Using theatrical performance techniques to prepare a group of disaffected young people to participate in formal debates on relevant topics. 

East London Shakespere Company Website


East Village Youth Worker

The East Village is a brand new community of 2,818 homes in the former athletes’ village and as such constitutes the first of the major residential regeneration areas to come on stream in the borough. The Youth Worker will engage with children and youth in East Village.

St Paul's Church Website


Faith Drama

A grounded group of passionate and capable people who are building steadily and delivering training in stage production skills and some life-style mentoring. 

Faith Drama Website


Faith in Schools

Delivering RE classes and assemblies in a handful of primary schools. 

Faith in Schools Website



An outreach ministry which specialises in working with hardened gangs. The members are mainly ex-gang who have become Christians

Gangsline Website


House of Lights

Reaching young people & engaging them in proactive evangelism and discipling in their local areas through a three stage process called the CPR Conversation, Preparation and Response 

Gainsborough House Of Lights Website


Kingdom Love Christian Centre

Homework club 2 days a week for immigrant children and young people. 


Newham YFC - Inter Church Residentials

Solid Youth & Soul Survivor, Inter-church youth residential trips for young people aged between 11 – 18 yrs 

Newham YFC's Website


Our Hope Development Trust

Sexual health & Leadership skills training for young people.  The youngsters become future trainers.


RE Matters

Bringing groups of children and young people from different schools to meet together to discuss moral and spiritual matters.

RE Matters Website


St. Marks Church, Beckton

Monthly creative workshops at St. Marks, Beckton for girls aged 12 – 15 and their mothers to make professional piece of jewellery. Relationships built during the sessions and refreshment break. Also an online blog for people to connect and share ideas.

Dear Friend Website


Stand Tall Youth

Mentoring young boys aged 15-27 who are not in jobs or education and preventing them from getting involved in gangs.


Stratford Winter Night Shelter

Stratford churches coming together to provide shelter for about 20 rough sleepers on Friday nights at Salvation Army, St. Paul’s Street.


Worldwide Evangelical Mission for Revival

A six month project for 11-18 year olds to provide information on healthy eating to tackle obesity. Also holds indoor exercise workshops, sports and cycling.

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